Year-End Bonus Episode! 🎙

Your favorite weekly meeting is here.

“Oh no, I missed your live ‘HR Besties’ holiday party event!” (Not a problem!).

“I wish your episodes were longer!” (Really?! Also, not a problem).

We turned our live holiday party into a 1-hour bonus podcast episode… a perfect amount of “me time” to pop in some Airpods and take a nice long walk with your HR Besties in your ear.

In our meeting: cringy corporate speak (sent in by a listener), holiday do’s and don’ts (“What NOT to do at the holiday party”), giving better time off, Secret Santa, and questions and quick comments sent in by listeners.

To end your year with your HR Besties, take a listen to this week’s episode. And be ready for us to return at the beginning of 2024!

As always, we’ll save you the search - click below to listen (and if you like it so far, rate, review and share!):

Thank you to everyone who came to our live video holiday party, and those listening now. We have more events coming up in 2024, so stay tuned!

As always, we welcome (really!) your feedback. When we come back in 2024, we’ll share how we’re incorporating your feedback into the podcast (100% 😏). Giving us a year-end review on podcast platforms (including Apple and Spotify) helps us, and we love your private feedback as well. To send us yours, or if you’d like to have HR Besties at an upcoming event, come to our headquarters (our beautiful website) and you can submit the Contact form and even grab merch before the next season.