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  • "Stop the conflict! And the P word... 🛑 🎙

"Stop the conflict! And the P word... 🛑 🎙

Your favorite weekly meeting is here.

“What’s the ‘P word’ you’re talking about in this episode?!” (we can’t just give it away - we have to incentivize you to come listen to the podcast somehow!).

The ‘P word’ is the subject of this week’s cringy corporate speak, and it left us feeling very cringy and conflicted. Which was a good thing, because the meat of the meeting was all about conflict.

HR doesn’t just manage conflict in the workplace
 we experience it, too! We talk through some of our stories and give you tips on what to do the next time you feel like you’re going to lose yourself Eminem-style at work.

To join your Besties who’ve been there, take a listen to this week’s episode.

In this episode, Ashley reveals the absolutely terrible-idea Cameo she once paid for personally for all employees (that got rightfully shut down by the CEO), conflict (why we don’t ‘half-ass’ anything) and in some quick comments at the end, simple ways to reduce the drama at work (please

As always, we’ll save you the search - click below to listen (and if you like it so far, rate, review and share!):

We finally have the invite for our holiday party. You resoundingly asked for an after-work event. We got you! Register here and join us Monday, December 11 at 8pm ET for our “HR Besties’ Best Things Ever” holiday event! We will be taking FAQs, have giveaways and having irresponsible levels of fun. Send to your colleagues and friends
 you’re always welcome to sit at our table!

As always, listening, rating and reviewing spreads the word. If we showed up on your Spotify Wrapped, share it on Instagram and tag us! @hrbestiespod loves to see it!