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  • "Should you be 'Open to Work'?" 🟢 🎙

"Should you be 'Open to Work'?" 🟢 🎙

Your favorite weekly meeting is here.

Bonus! We were going to take the week off, but some wild debate on LinkedIn got our attention (show me you’re in HR without telling me).

It’s about the “Open to Work” badge on LinkedIn. This means adding a green circle around your profile picture, with text to show you’re available for work. Simple, right?

Hoooooboy. Nothing gets some recruiters going more than an opportunity to share a controversial take in the headlines. See, e.g., the recruiter who made news by claiming the Open to Work badge is “the worst social media feature.” Oh, GTFOH.

For our take, come listen to this week’s short bonus episode.

In this episode, we huddle for an emergency (stop cooking fish in the microwave, people… Leigh’s allergic!), Open to Work (why we aren’t just open to it, but bear-hug embrace it) and how to get the HR Besties to liven up your meetings in 2024 (cheers to that!).

As always, we’ll save you the search - click below to listen (and if you like it so far, rate, review and share!):

Now (the most important part of this takeaway), put a calendar hold for Monday, December 11 at 8pm ET for our “HR Besties’ Best Things Ever” holiday event! We will be taking FAQs, have giveaways and having irresponsible levels of fun. Your official invite will come next week - send to your colleagues and friends… you’re always welcome to sit at our table!

Especially this week, we’re thankful for your support. Hearing “I found my people!” makes our day. Listening, rating and reviewing spreads the word. Thank you for being part of the “HR Besties” crew (of course, we’re a FAMILY here 😉)!