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  • "HR, I need you to talk to someone..." 👀🎙

"HR, I need you to talk to someone..." 👀🎙

Your favorite weekly meeting is here.

“Can you talk to this employee?” (Yes… but we can help you do it, too).

In today’s meeting, we talk about difficult conversations - why they’re so difficult and also why everyone wants HR to have them. From the “smelly employee” to the performance conversation “surprise,” we give a peek into HR’s inbox.

But, before we get into the meat of the meeting: our cringy corporate speak (why you’ll think of the sad grapes at the bottom of the fruit salad). And of course, quick questions and comments (What does Ashley want to change her name to? Did you get Jamie’s internet reference? And Leigh asks a very personal question about work travel…). It’s our last “official” meeting of Season 1, but next week, we may have some “unofficial” surprises coming (we’re not regular HR, we’re cool HR… right??).

To hear from your HR Besties, take a listen to this week’s episode.

As always, we’ll save you the search - click below to listen (and if you like it so far, rate, review and share!):

Thank you to everyone who came to our live video holiday party Monday. We had a blast and you can count on more in the future. To those who received giveaways, whoohoo! If you didn’t win this time, we will have more very soon.

As we end Season 1 and get ready for Season 2, we’d love your feedback. Rating and reviewing us on podcast platforms (including Apple and Spotify) helps us tremendously, and we love your private feedback as well. To send us yours, or if you’d like to have HR Besties at an upcoming event, come to our headquarters (our beautiful website) and you can submit the Contact form and even grab merch before the next season.