Some... feedback

Literally, "some" would be great!

Hey Besties! Imagine walking into the office and being greeted by a candy dish that screams “Bridesmaids” vibes – yes, just like THAT scene. This week, we're bringing that energy straight to your ears.

Speaking of sweet - today we’re talking about feedback cultures! Those might be as rare as a brown M&M (because, surprisingly to us anyway, that’s the rarest color), but they’re what employees deserve, and totally possible to create.

In this week’s episode…

  • Intro Story: Would you eat unwrapped candy in a candy bowl? You might not want to after hearing Jamie’s story (especially Leigh’s commentary) today.

  • Corporate Cringe Speak: Do you only have partial information to share, and know everyone will have questions (that you don’t have answers to)? Use today’s corporate speak! It’s a moderately-nicer equivalent to “parking lot.”

  • Feedback Culture: Why do so many organizations (and leaders) think of feedback only in terms of annual performance reviews? How can you create a feedback culture? We’ll (attempt to) solve your feedback challenges in just over 30 minutes.

  • Questions & Comments: We Q&C about our favorite candy, whether we’re Olive Garden or Macaroni Grill people, and how to get attention from your boss (in a completely professional way).

Discussion Guide for Your Team (Questions for your team meeting or podcast discussion club):

  • Candy Dish Culture: How do we use treats to build connection at work? And if we don’t provide wrapped candy, should we? (Thank you Leigh for this question!)

  • Feedback Culture: Do we have a feedback culture? Why or why not, and what could we do to create that?

  • Upward Feedback: Do our team members feel comfortable giving upward feedback to their managers/senior leaders? Do managers/senior leaders know how to respectfully and effectively respond to and act on it?

Give the episode a listen (and a rating/review if you like it), reach out to share your thoughts, and if you listen on Spotify, take part in our poll every episode.

Thank you for listening and reading!

Questions or comments? Submit them on our website!